Week of February 13th!


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  • Valentine’s Day boxes and cards are to be brought in this Tuesday for our exchange!
  • Please continue to staple any Choice Board homework assignments to their Choice Board sheet and make sure that their name is on it!
  • Please read and respond to the Family Journals each week!
Weekly News:
Math: This will be a week of review of all the concepts we have learned so far this quarter: missing variables with addition and subtraction, 10 more/10 less, solving mentally, without a chart, as well as solving word problems incorporating these concepts.

Reading: We will be working on our ability to compare and contrast characters and their experiences. We will use the word, “contrast” for differences and “compare” for similarities. They will be able to practice this skill in their reading logs this week, as well!

Writing: We will continue working on our opinion pieces, making sure that we include an opening sentence, supporting reasons and a closing sentence. They will also be writing their plots for the shadow puppet theater.

Phonics: We will be working on the Soft C and Soft G in words like prince and age. This is the “Gentle Cindy” Rule: “When a C or a G is followed by an E, I, or Y it will say its soft sound.”

Social Studies: We will kick off our unit on  Harriett Tubman and the Underground Railroad! We will be continuing this unit after break.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on Light and Shadows and there will be an assessment later in the week.

S.T.E.M.  Students creatively collaborated with their peers to develop their characters, the plot (beginning, middle and end), the problem and solution, as well as my challenge to them: incorporate a Central Message for their Shadow Puppet Theater Skits. Their shadow puppet theater skits include: dragons, puppies, knights, whales, robbers, castles, and are SO creative! We will create these shadow puppets this week and students will use them to perform their skits, lights out and all!

I hope that everyone has a “love”ly week!



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