Wednesday, March 18th!

Every day gets a little easier! You are all doing so well! Here are Wednesday’s assignments:


  1. Go to Seesaw and Complete the Activity titled: “2D Shapes: Where Are They? 3/18”
  2. Go onto Moby Max to complete the assigned activities about Shapes. Your child doesn’t have to do them all in one day. Please see my Online Learning email for directions on how to sign in if your child has forgotten. Please mention to your child that we have 2 contests going on in Moby Max. One is a Class party contest, and the other is a student contest where the students with the most time dedicated will earn a prize/reward. This will be sure to motivate them!
  3.  Practice your addition and subtraction facts each day. You can do this with Moby Max Fact Fluency, flashcards, or an app/game. Try to do this for 5-10 minutes each day. Fact fluency is SO important


  1. Go to Seesaw and complete the “George Washington Carver-3/18” activity.


  1. Go to Seesaw and complete the activity: “Reading: Text vs. Pictures 3/18”
  2.  Read for 30 minutes. Remember to set a timer and read aloud to someone, if possible.
  3. Extension: Write 3 sentences about what you read about in a journal. Take a picture and attach this to your journal. I love seeing and reading these reflections!


  • Create a “boot camp” style obstacle course outside. Time yourself and friends going throw it. It’s going to be a beautiful day! Take a picture and post!


  • Go to Seesaw! I have posted a Mo Willems’ Activity on drawing.  Mo Willems is one of our class’ favorite authors and illustrators!


  • From Mrs. Pascual:

Have a great day! I will miss seeing you all very much!

Tuesday, March 17th!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Great work yesterday! I loved seeing all of my sweet students’ faces and hearing their voices on Seesaw. Such fun! Everyone is doing an excellent job, parents included :)! Have a great Tuesday and please let me know if you need anything from me. I’m here!


  1. Go to Seesaw and Complete the Activity titled: “2D Shapes: Let’s Count Sides & Vertices 3/17”
  2. Go onto Moby Max to complete the assigned activities about Shapes. Your child doesn’t have to do them all in one day. Please see my Online Learning email for directions on how to sign in if your child has forgotten. Please mention to your child that we have 2 contests going on in Moby Max. One is a Class party contest, and the other is a student contest where the students with the most time dedicated will earn a prize/reward. This will be sure to motivate them!
  3.  Practice your addition and subtraction facts each day. You can do this with Moby Max Fact Fluency, flashcards, or an app/game. Try to do this for 5-10 minutes each day. Fact fluency is SO important!


  1.  Go to Seesaw and complete the activity: “Reading: Text vs. Pictures 3/17”
  2.  Read for 30 minutes. Remember to set a timer and read aloud to someone, if possible.
  3. Extension: Write 3 sentences about what you read about in a journal. Take a picture and attach this to your journal.


  1. Go to Seesaw and complete the “St. Patrick’s Day-How to Catch a Leprechaun 3/17” activity. Have fun and be creative!


  1. Complete the Informational Writing Activity #2 on Seesaw. Use the writing paper I attached in the daily email.

Optional Activities:

  •  Sushi Monster: Download this free app to practice your math facts!

Have a great day! I will miss seeing you all very much!

Monday, March 16th!

Good morning Class! Today we are going to be doing Math, Reading, and Writing, as well as some optional activities below. I will miss seeing each and every one of you, but we will make this work!


  1. Watch my minilesson on 2-D Shapes.
  2. Go to Seesaw and Complete the Activity titled: “2D Shape Sort” Monday, 3/16
  3. Extension: On a sheet of paper draw and label as many shapes as you can. Under each shape write the number of sides and vertices (or corners) that it has. Make sure to include a rhombus, hexagon and pentagon. Upload this to Seesaw.
  4.  Practice your addition and subtraction facts each day. You can do this with Moby Max Fact Fluency, or flashcards. Try to do this for 5-10 minutes each day. Fact fluency is SO important!


  1. Watch my minilesson on Information Learned from Pictures.
  2.  Go to Seesaw and complete the activity: “Reader’s Workshop: Learning Facts from Pictures Monday, 3/16”
  3.  Read for 30 minutes. Remember to set a timer and read aloud to someone, if possible.
  4. Extension: Write 3 sentences about what you read about in a journal. Take a picture and attach this to your journal.


  1. Complete the Informational Writing Activity #1 on Seesaw. Use the writing paper I attached in the daily email.

Optional Activities:

  • Math Magician Addition– select “Level One Addition”, type your name & press start- see if you can beat you own record!

  • Creativity/Movement: Go outside and find 5 pinecones, 6 sticks and 3 rocks. What can you make with your materials? Take a picture and upload onto Seesaw.

Have a great day! I will miss seeing you all very much!

Mrs. Fernandes

Week of March 9th!


  • Early Release Date: Wednesday, March 11th!
  • Zoo Permission Slips are Due! Please send them in if you haven’t already!
  • Please send in all library books. We are going to the LLC on Tuesday!

Math– We will review all of the math skills learned in Quarter 3: Adding/Subtracting with multiples of 10, Comparing Numbers, Solving for the Missing Addend. Please work with your child each night on addition/subtraction math fact fluency to 20!

Reading- We will review the reading skills learned in Quarter 3: Point of View, Central Message, Comparing the Adventures of Characters, as well as using Context Clues to define an unknown vocabulary word.

Writing-Students will demonstrate their Opinion writing skills to wrap up our Opinion Writing unit.

Phonics: We will begin learning Vowel Teams: oa and ow. 

Science: We will describe what all animals need to survive, as well as select an animal to research.

S.T.E.A.M. We will continue to prepare our plants and raised beds for transplanting!

Week of March 2nd!

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  • Please send in teddy bears with your child on Monday! This will be to celebrate President Teddy Roosevelt, as well as Dr. Seuss’ birthday, and Read Across America Day! If you don’t have a teddy bear to send in, that’s okay! You can send in the next best thing :).
  • Mark your calendars: Early Release Date: Wednesday, March 11th!
  • Zoo Permission Slips will be going out this week! SAVE THE DATE: Our 1st Grade Atlanta Zoo Trip will be on Wednesday, April 1st. All parents are welcome. You will have to meet us at the zoo and there are no siblings allowed on this trip.
  • The Book Fair is all next week. Students can bring in money and shop before school.
  • Welcome March! The March Specials Calendars are in all folders. Students have PE on Monday. The March Homework calendars are also in all Homework Journals and will go home Monday.

Math– We will continue Adding 2-digit with 1-digit numbers and related word problems.

Reading- We will continue learning how to use context clues to infer the meaning of new Vocabulary words.

Writing-This week we will write our opinions about the books we have read and President Teddy Roosevelt’s pets.

Phonics: We will begin learning vowel teams ee and ea. 

Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit about President Theodore Roosevelt. We will also kickoff our Animal Unit.

S.T.E.A.M. We will research whether we can transplant our lettuce plants, and if so, what steps we need to take to do so. 




  • Winter Break: Monday, February 17th through Friday, February 21 st!
  • Send in all library books on Tuesday, February 25th! We are going to the LLC!
  • SAVE THE DATE: Our 1st Grade Atlanta Zoo Trip will be on Wednesday, April 1st. All parents are welcome. You will have to meet us at the zoo and there are no siblings allowed on this trip.

Math– We will be Adding 2-digit with 1-digit numbers, i.e. 64+8=72. 

Reading- We will expand our Vocabulary, by learning how to use context clues to infer the meaning of words.

Writing-We will write an Opinion Piece by writing a Restaurant and Book Review.

Phonics: We will begin learning vowel teams ay and ai. We will learn the sound that they make and when they make them.

Social Studies: We will learn about President Theodore Roosevelt. 

S.T.E.A.M. We will continue to cultivate our indoor lettuce plants!

Week of February 24th!


  • Winter Break: Monday, February 17th through Friday, February 21 st!
  • Send in all library books on Tuesday, February 25th! We are going to the LLC!
  • SAVE THE DATE: Our 1st Grade Atlanta Zoo Trip will be on Wednesday, April 1st. All parents are welcome. You will have to meet us at the zoo and there are no siblings allowed on this trip.

Math– We will be Adding 2-digit with 1-digit numbers, i.e. 64+8=72. 

Reading- We will expand our Vocabulary, by learning how to use context clues to infer the meaning of words.

Writing-We will write an Opinion Piece by writing a Restaurant and Book Review.

Phonics: We will begin learning vowel teams ay and ai. We will learn the sound that they make and when they make them.

Social Studies: We will learn about President Theodore Roosevelt. 

S.T.E.A.M. We will continue to cultivate our indoor lettuce plants!

Week of February 10th!


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  • Valentine’s Day boxes are due this Thursday, February 13th!
  • Picture Day is this Thursday, February 13th!
  • Winter Break: Monday, February 17th through Friday, February 21 st!
  • SAVE THE DATE: Our 1st Grade Atlanta Zoo Trip will be on Wednesday, April 1st. All parents are welcome. You will have to meet us at the zoo and there are no siblings allowed on this trip.

Math– We will continue Adding and Subtracting by Multiples of 10, i.e. 53-20=33 and 53+20=73.

Reading- We will continue learning about Point of View and how this affects the stories we read.

Writing-We will write an Opinion Piece about the continents we have learned about so far.

Phonics: We will review our syllable types that we have learned so far: open, closed, magic e and bossy r. we will start categorizing and coding words.

Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on the 7 continents. Students will be able to identify and describe the different land forms, animals, weather and other important facts about the 7 continents.

S.T.E.A.M. We will plant our lettuce seeds in a new way to find success!

Week of February 3rd!

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  • Our Special on Monday is PE. Please send your child in sneakers.
  • We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 13th. Valentine’s Day boxes will be due that day. All directions and information will be sent home this Monday.
  • We will be going to the ILC this Wednesday. Please send in all library books.
  • SAVE THE DATE: Our 1st Grade Atlanta Zoo Trip will be on Wednesday, April 1st. All parents are welcome. You will have to meet us at the zoo and there are no siblings allowed on this trip.

Math– We will begin Adding and Subtracting by Multiples of 10, i.e. 53-20=33 and 53+20=73.

Reading- We will learn about Point of View and how this affects the stories we read.

Writing-We will write an Opinion Piece about our S.T.E.A.M. projects.

Phonics: We will review our phonics rules: FLOSS, -ck, plurals and Magic E.

Social Studies: We will learn about the 7 continents. Students will be able to identify and describe the different land forms, animals, weather and other important facts about the 7 continents.

S.T.E.A.M. We will plant our lettuce seeds in a new way to find success!

Week of January 27th!


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  • Please remember to send in all Homework every Friday!

Math– We will begin adding and subtracting by 10 i.e. 54-10=44, 54+10=64.

Reading- We will wrap up our unit on the identification and description of the Central Message in stories.

Writing-We will continue our Opinion Writing unit by stating our opinion and supporting/defending it with multiple reasons and details.

Phonics: We will learn about the  er and ir Bossy R words in words like fern and girl.

S.T.E.A.M. We will graph the temperatures for the last 12 weeks during which our fall/winter gardens have been growing. We will use this data to draw conclusions about our plant growth.

Week of January 21st!


  • This Monday there is NO School for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Please remember to send in all homework every Friday.

Math– We will compare numbers using place value and greater than, less than or equal to signs.

Reading- We will identify and describe the Central Message in the stories we are reading. 

Writing-We will continue our Opinion Writing unit by stating our opinion and supporting/defending it with multiple reasons.

Phonics: We will learn about the Bossy R sounds in words like garden, fern, swirl, burst

Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea.

S.T.E.A.M. We will continue to cultivate our fall/winter garden.