Week of April 17th!

Image result for zoo trip
  • Zoo Trip-This Tuesday, April 18th!!
  • Author’s Tea Date Change!! Mrs. Fernandes’ Classes’ Author’s Tea: Thursday, May 4th from 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.!
  • Please send back your child’s Student Information Forms (in manila envelopes) on Monday!
  • SAVE the DATE!! First Grade Tiger Town-May 12th! Mark your calendars-we will need LOTS of parent volunteers!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
Math: This week I will be assessing 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. We will start reviewing and reinforcing addition, subtraction, missing addend, and our problem solving abilities utilizing these skills. Also, students gave started to earn dimes for Tiger Town. They are LOVING this! This has been a wonderful way to introduce money, as well as reinforcing their ability to count by tens.

Reading: We will be working on our higher level comprehension skills including the students’ ability to successfully identify the cause and effect of events in the stories that we are reading.

Writing: We are busily preparing our books for our Author’s Tea. Also, we will try our hand at writing realistic fiction which will then segue to fiction/fantasy writing. We will continue focusing upon building our vocabulary and using more interesting, or “sparkling” words in our writing! Students are becoming more adept at using these words in their writing, as well as identifying them in the books they are reading. This is something we will be focusing upon for the rest of the year.

Phonics: This week we will be learning the diphthong /oi/ sound using the letters “oi”  as in coin and “oy” as in toy.

Science: We will begin our exciting unit on Animals. Our Zoo trip will be the perfect event to kick this off. I encourage you to send in any favorite books your child loves about a particular animal/animals!! He/she will be given the opportunity to share this with the class.

S.T.E.M.: Students enjoyed creating 2 and 3-dimensional solid figures using toothpicks and mini-marshmallows. This effectively reinforced the defining attributes of each shape and also served as a healthy challenge for their building skills. We will introduce our next S.T.E.M. challenge, our Eagle Challenge, and students will start observing the habits of the Berry College eagle.


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