Week of November 7th!

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Weekly Reminders:

  • No School Election Day, this Tuesday, November 8th!!!!
  • Thanksgiving Play-Wednesday, November 16th. 9:45 a.m. in the Music Room. Students received their parts this week!

Our Week At  A Glance:

Math: We will continue to solve word problems with our facts from 10-20. Please continue to work with your children at home using flashcards for memorization (facts 0-20)! It will make their lives so much easier 🙂

Reading: We will continue learning about and using the features of nonfiction text! We will delve more into bold words, headings and captions. If you have any nonfiction books at home, please try to reinforce these concepts! Please make sure your children are reading 20 minutes every night!!

Writing: We will continue writing our informational pieces. This week students wrote their very own teaching books on something that they were an expert at. Ask your students what they wrote about! Please continue reinforcing capitalization and ending punctuation at home!

Phonics: We will be learning about words with the long a sound. “Bossy e seems a bit rude, he likes to change the game. When he shows up at the end of a word, he makes the vowel say its name!” Please look for the complete list in their red Homework Folders. As always, there will be a spelling test on Friday on 10 of those words, plus a Bonus word.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on Sound. Please ask your children about our Sound assembly this week. The students were amazed at all of the sounds that were created from an impressive assortment of tools and instruments brought in!

Social Studies: We will start our unit on the incredible Thomas Jefferson!

S.T.E.M. Students were able to build their very own inventions! Students became problem solvers with these innovative products! A HUGE Thank You to Opal Patel, Anya’s mom, for bringing in all the items the children needed! We couldn’t have done this without you. This week students will be creating their own instruments using what they’ve learned about sound.


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